Genius AI™ Detection software

Using deep learning technology, Genius AI Detection software finds cancers with better accuracy than Hologic’s previous generation CAD 54-55, with the software fully integrated on the Dimensions® AWS. Genius AI Detection technology identifies areas of interest on all Hologic Dimensions image types – now and into the future.

  • Image Analysis
  • Supplemental Screening / Callback


Aids in radiologists’ diagnostic performance CAD 54

Identifies potential cancers in breast tomosynthesis images with high accuracy. Use of Genius AI™ Detection software resulted in a difference of +9% in observed reader sensitivity for cancer cases. CAD *54

Fully integrated on the Dimensions platform

The only deep learning software to run on the acquisition workstation of the mammography system, without the need for a separate server, for a simple, convenient, and secure solution.

Workflow tools to enhance your practice

Results at the point-of-care provide opportunities to improve the patient experience. Case level metrics can be used to categorize and prioritize cases for reading and to facilitate workflow.
* Based on analyses that do not control type I error and therefore cannot be generalized to specific comparisons outside this particular study. In this study: The average observed AUC was 0.825 (95% CI: 0.783, 0.867) with CAD and 0.794 (95% CI: 0.748, 0.840) without CAD. The difference in observed AUC was +0.031 (95% CI: 0.012, 0.051). The average observed reader sensitivity for cancer cases was 75.9% with CAD and 66.8% without CAD. The difference in observed sensitivity was +9.0% (99% CI: 6.0%, 12.1%). The average observed recall rate for non-cancer cases was 25.8% with CAD and 23.4% without CAD. The observed difference in negative recall rate was +2.4% (99% CI: 0.7%, 4.2%). The average observed case read-time was 52.0s with CAD and 46.3s without CAD. The observed difference in readtime was 5.7s (95% CI: 4.9s to 6.4s).1

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