3Dimensions™ Mammography System
The industry’s fastest, highest resolution breast tomosynthesis system, ever.1
The 3Dimensions™ system is designed to provide higher quality 3D™ images for radiologists, a more comfortable mammogram for patients, and enhanced workflow for technologists. Discover how sharper images and smarter technologies continue to help find invasive cancers, increase clinical confidence, and allow for greater operational efficiencies – regardless of age, breast size, or density.2-8
- Image Capture
- Image Analysis
Exceptional Image Quality
Hologic Clarity HD™ imaging captures 70-micron high resolution 3D™ data that provides sharper 1mm tomosynthesis images, revealing more detail.
Hologic Clarity HD enables upgrades to more natural looking Intelligent 2D™ synthesized images and workflow advantages with 3DQuorum™ technology. This breakthrough in 3D mammography uses Genius AI™-powered analytics to reduce the number of images to review by 2/3 and eliminates the need for an additional 2D exposure – reducing interpretation time, patient dose, and time under compression.9-12
Hologic Clarity HD enables upgrades to more natural looking Intelligent 2D™ synthesized images and workflow advantages with 3DQuorum™ technology. This breakthrough in 3D mammography uses Genius AI™-powered analytics to reduce the number of images to review by 2/3 and eliminates the need for an additional 2D exposure – reducing interpretation time, patient dose, and time under compression.9-12
Greater Comfort
The SmartCurve™ system’s curved compression surface mirrors the shape of the breast for more even compression and greater patient comfort. Shown to improve comfort in 93% of patients who reported moderate to severe discomfort with standard compression methods.13
Intelligently Designed
Thoughtful design includes ergonomic advantages to assist the technologist with positioning, accelerate workflow, save time, reduce physical strain, and optimize viewing. The system improves the patient experience through reduced compression and the industry’s fastest 3D scan time at 3.7 seconds.1,14-16
The Genius® 3D® Exam. Better detection. Clinically superior.*
Genius 3D Mammography™ exams are more accurate than conventional 2D mammograms, detecting 20-65% more invasive breast cancers.§ Only the Genius 3D Mammography exam is FDA approved as superior for women with dense breasts compared to 2D alone.2,3