Screening & Diagnostics

Data Management

Hologic’s reading and data management systems are intended to coordinate seamlessly, securely, and remotely – not only between specialists, but also between practices, helping to ensure an accurate, speedy, and uninterrupted continuum of care for your patients. Our business intelligence dashboard UnifiTM Analytics lets you conduct predictive servicing and is designed to eventually map the entire breast health continuum, offering you at-a-glance insights at every step.

I value the ability to perform a deep dive analysis of day-to-day operations, technologist activity, and behaviors that affect quality outcomes.

Terry Lynn Bucknall, CRA, FAHRA, FNCBC
Breast Imaging Consultant

Core Products

Our connectivity solutions are specifically designed for breast imaging, with multiple options for diagnostics, image storage, and archiving. We'll work with you to configure the optimal data system to fit your needs and budget.

Dive deeper into Hologic's Continuum of Care